Transformative Leadership team development in Wild Nature
We offer an adventure on a strong scientific ground, where we alternate learning and development in your organisation with expeditions in nature. The program consists of three independent modules with the aim of creating conditions for people and organisations to grow in sustainable harmony with the system we operate in and our environment. So that you can lead your organization safely into the future.
We apply and teach research fields from human psychological development, the psychology of the relational organization, complex adaptive systems, sustainable change of social systems and neuroscience.
Being in nature holds a catalytic power that activates our presence and attention, allowing demanding cognitive processes to rest and recover. Our memory and attention are deepened, positive emotions and performance increase, which creates good conditions for growth, building relationships and reflection - both individually and in groups.
All transformative change begins from within. As we explore ourselves in more love and acceptance, we begin to meet others in the same way. We are growing. Our relationships grow. Our awareness deepens. What we care for expands. In a journey that starts on the inside, and grows on the outside.
The program is based on three independent stays/modules in the wilderness. We offer ready-made packages at our selected locations, or we come to you and design the program close to you in a natural environments of your preference.
We honsting the program are trained nature guides and professional trainers with a strong scientific basis. Each module also includes virtual and physical sessions as well as digitally pre-recorded material. The program as a whole follows the Intention – Action – Reflection – Learning model.
Each program is completely tailored to your needs. The program is carried out together with Ledargymet
In the program we train and practice to:
∞ meet and understand ourselves in new perspectives - from a deeper place.
∞ open up our understanding of how we are affected by and affect each other.
∞ understand humans in a social system, creating culture and structure that supports collaboration, as a management team and as an organization.
∞ develop skills to shape an organization where individual, team and organisation grow in sustainable harmony with our environment.
We have designed the program on the experience we have of working with transformational leader development in small and large organisations. On the experience we have of shaping an organisation that supports and drives human and organizational growth.
There are no ready-made recipes. But there many well-established frameworks and principles. On this research, and experience in applying it, that we build our programs.
When we make this journey together, our intention is to transfer that knowledge to those we guide. Because change doesn't happen when we learn new tools or methods. Change happens when we see the world through new eyes, and thus act in new ways. When we are transformed on the inside, we create sustainable change on the outside. We have seen it happen, over and over again. And it's magical!
Preparatory meetings
Before each stay, we create the conditions for insight through virtual meetings.
Wilderness modules in nature
We experience perspectives and feelings in nature together. We adapt the level of adventure to the group's habits.
Continuous support
After the modules, we are available as support for reflections and experiments in your organization.
Interactive training
We train together in digital and interactive classes to deepen learning.
The modules can be taken separately, and you can choose one, two or three modules. Together, we make the right fit for you, exactly where you are.

Module 1
Leading in a Social System
We explore ourselves through the developmental psychological patterns that all humans share. Facing our longing and fear opens up a deeper understanding of our relationships.
We work with supportive frameworks for how we influence each other in the organisational systems we create.
After part 1, we will see ourselves and each other with new eyes and in that create insights about obstacles and enablers in ourselves, our team and our organisation.
Module 2
Create Conditions for Growth
Before the second stay in Åre , we explore ourselves as a management team, as individuals and in the dynamics with the organisation, using exercises and reflection.
In part 2, we introduce new models that deepen the understanding of how we as a management team best create conditions where individuals and organisations are allowed to grow in harmony with their surroundings.
Now we can meet ourselves and others, in a system where everyone is given the opportunity to be their best self.
Module 3
Growing Together
Before module 3, we grow perspectives and insights about the entire ecosystem.
When we meet, we add new perspectives, models and tools with the intention to enable an interconnected organisation in constant learning together with its changing environment.
We train to see and navigate our business as a complex adaptive system, where we create the conditions for the entire ecosystem to grow in sustainable harmony with the world.

"I want to share how the program has helped me meet people in a completely different way, understanding their perspective and triggering fear. In doing that, I am able to spark true engagement from more people, enabling us to go forward together.”
Intrestested or curious?
Get in touch, and let's talk.

A cloud of white smoke forms in the cold air as I breathe.The trees are covered in snow, and to get drinking water we need to cut a hole in the 15 cm thick ice covering the lake. It is November, a mere 4 hr hike from the innermost part of Edsåsdalen, outside Åre. Karin, Niklas and myself have just arrived.
We are here to experience the program ourselveswe have designed for leadership teams. To get our own first hand experience of our own program. A program to help leadership teams evolve, from the inside out to evolve their organizations from the inside out. A program made in a mix of nature, psychology, wildlife, cooking over open fire, the psychology of the relational organization, snow covered mountain tops and organizational emergence. We are here to experience our own program. And in this, the program itself evolves. Is born. Take shape. Three beautiful days of emergence have just begun.
The lake and its surroundings appear radically differentfrom 4 months earlier, when we were here last time. Familiar, yet vastly different. In the light of this, we reflect on our own journey, the last 4 months. We are familiar. In many aspects the same. In many aspects vastly different. Being here again adds deep, reflective perspectives on being human. On creating this program. On growing businesses in harmony with the world.
The fire in the stove inside the cabinshapes an atmosphere of calm. Too original. For thousands of years this is how people have cooked their food. Using open fire. I enjoy the sensation of getting warm, as the temperature in the cabin rises. It feels as if the sands of time run backwards, and pictures of people in caves, huts and shelters come to me. The fire providing life.
Food never tastes better than in the wild. A simple, vegetarian dish, made in one pot. We eat, and reflect on the day. On our inner and outer experiences. How an outside journey really creates an inner journey. And it has been a day of insight, a day of play, a day of contemplation and dialogue.
The rest of the days flow in a beautiful rhythm through a set of opposites really enriching the life experience. Cold, warm. Silence, intense dialogue. Movement, stillness. Hard winds, the safety inside the shelter we have brought up the mountain. Food eaten outdoors in the wild winter scene. Hunger. 85 degree sauna. -1 degree bath in the lake. Shelters along the hiking route, wide open wilderness views. In all of this we weave in practices, reflection, teaching, that provide a deepened learning experience on what it is to be human together. On how I see myself, others and the world. The nature experience does not only provide a reflective setting. It strengthens the insight and the depth. Practices are designed around the nature experience, to provide insights to bring home to the organization.
The program grows on this journey. And so we do.As a team and as individuals. We feel a growing eagerness to get our first management team out here. To be able to give these beautiful gifts to others. To guide a leadership team both in wild nature and in inner growth, to evolve as individuals and team, to lead their organization in more holistic, human centric ways. We have seen the astonishing effects in organizations we have worked with, and we know this is dynamite. For people, for profit and for the planet.
We end our journey walking back to Edsåsdalen at dusk. The snow covered landscape shifts in dark blue, twinkling stars and footprints of wild animals having passed by. Animals with which we share this forest, these mountains. And the sense of being one with a larger whole grows.
The bus arrives at Undersåker two hours before our train departs. This gives us time to summarize and reflect on dinner in a hotel restaurant being open. Delicious food, white table cloths, linen napkins, a glass of wine, calm music. The contrast with the wild could not have been bigger. Still it feels like being two faces of the same experience. Both adding up to a marvelous experience in human growth.
In a couple of months we will be back here.Either with a management team, or to experience the second module of this year-long program ourselves. To also let that module emerge in the contexts in which it will be given. Right now we don't need to know. But we do know that we look forward to it. With all our hearts. The calming sound of the train serves as our bedtime melody. Tomorrow morning we will wake up at home. Being slightly reborn.
Thank you, wilderness! We will soon meet again. <3